Team productivity report

Get information about how your team is creating and editing tests.

High-speed mode (labs)

High-speed (now Turbo-mode) accelerates your tests by ignoring test artifacts for successful runs.


Testim for Salesforce

A new product for testing Salesforce applications and flows.

Locator Auto-Improve (Labs)

A new way of improving test stability by automatically adjusting your locators if they fall below the threshold.


Multiple TestRail projects

You can now connect your testim tests to multiple TestRail projects.

TestOps Dashboard

See all of your key metrics in one filterable dashboard. Triage your work by filtering to "assigned to me" to see only those tests you own.

Advanced JS Editor

You can create and edit your custom actions in our built-in Monaco-based JS editor.


Reports Improvements

Better filtering and a longer results history give you data the data you need to identify trends and make improvements to your tests and processes.


TestOps Dashboard (Labs)

Quick access to the data that informs your workload. What tests failed? Which tests need to be finished, or improved? See them and recent results at a glance.


Multiple owners of projects and companies

Assign multiple owners to a project or company.