
Link directly to shared step (Labs)

Edit your shared steps by quickly launching from the shared step library.


Scheduled runs results via Webhook (Labs)

Post results of scheduled runs to a URL via Webhook.


Reports improvements - Labs

We added new filtering and a longer history to our reports. Check them out in labs.


Undo drag and drop actions

Undo a drag and drop action with a click.


Branch notification toast

New pop-up notification when you create a new test branch.

Accessibility Page and Step Validations

You can test the accessibility of a page or a step from within Testim.


Testim will look for patterns and existing groups when recording a new test and prompt the user to include them in the test.

Locator Filtering and Mapping

If your CSS changes with each build, Testim will automatically filter out the random component and map the locator to keep the element stable. We also give you manual controls.


Audit Logs

See activity logs for all users in your project.

View test run retries
