Copado Integration
To automate testing from Copado, add the URL Callout step in Copado and use a single webhook call to the Testim/TTA for Salesforce REST API .
To integrate Copado:
In Testim/TTA for Salesforce, go to Settings > API.
Click Generate API Key.
Enter a name for the key and click Generate.
Copy the API key that is displayed and click Done. The only time this key is visible is when it is generated, so copy it as soon as you can.
Go to the Testim REST API in Swagger and select a type of remote execution API call, such as Test, Test Plan, Test Suite, or Test Label, and copy the JSON payload.
In the Copado Release Manager App, create a Deployment by adding a new step in the Steps section. To do so, follow these steps:
In the Type, select Perform callout and continue with deployment.
In the Method, select POST.
Unselect the Dynamic URL Parameters.
In the URL, enter the REST API call and append the Test, Test Plan, or Suite ID at the end of the URL. For example,
. -
Add the following headers:
- Authorization and enter the API key from step 4 in the format Bearer YOUR-API-KEY.
- Content-Type and enter application/json.
In the Body, paste the JSON payload from Swagger (step 5).
In the JSON payload, replace
"grid" : "string"
with the name of a grid from the Grids section of your profile in the top right of Testim/TTA for Salesforce. -
To test, save the step and click Deploy > Deploy All.
When the test is completed, click View Results in the Steps section. This deployment can also be done on Continuous Integration (CI).
Pausing Copado deployment until test is complete or based on test result
You can pause the Copado deployment until a test or test plan is completed, passed, or failed.
To pause Copado:
In Copado, navigate to Details > Type and select Perform callout and pause step and copy the Resume URL.
In Testim/TTA for Salesforce, create an Add API action step in the editor and make it a shared step.
In the Add API action step, enter the Resume URL (step 1) and disable Send via web page in the properties.
Go to Runs > Configuration list, create a new configuration, select After test handler, and select the shared step (step 2).
In the test or test plan settings, select the newly created configuration (step 4).
Updated about 1 year ago