Custom Action Step (mobile)
There may be times when you want your test to perform an action or validation that is not included in the predefined steps menu. The Custom Action (mobile) step allows you to run a script using Appium for extended capabilities and validations in your tests. The script can run multiple mobile commands in batch and can also use JavaScript parameters.
Prerequisites for running the step locally
When running a test that includes this step on a local physical local device or emulator, you will need to execute the following CLI command in your local terminal of the machine before executing the test:
tricentis-mobile-agent start -e
Supported Appium methods
The following Appium methods are supported for all grids and all operating systems, except for the limitations mentioned below:
- use this method instead oftouchPerform
- If testing outside of VMG, you have to setup the test with an app that was developed for physical devices.
is not supported on the Headspin gridfindElement(s)
on Browserstack grid does not work via "xpath" as the strategy.
does not work with "text" as the strategy - in general, searching by "label" or "value" works best.
If you want to use addition methods, which are not listed above, contact Tricentis Support.
Adding a Custom Action (mobile) Step to your Test
- Hover over the (arrow symbol) or the + where you want to add the Custom Action step. The action options are displayed.
- Click on the “M” (Testim predefined steps). The Predefined steps menu opens.
- Expand the Actions menu and select the Add custom action step.
Alternatively, you can use the search box at the top of the menu to search for Add custom action.
- In the Name the new step field, enter a (meaningful) name for this step.
- If this is a shared step to be made available to reuse in this or other tests, keep the box next to Shared step selected (default), and choose a folder from the Select shared step folder list where you want this step stored. Otherwise, deselect the checkbox. For more information about shared steps, see Groups.
- Click Create Step. The function editor opens, and the Properties panel opens on the right-hand side.
- In the Properties panel, in the Description field, optionally edit the description of this step. The default description is “Run shared action” (or “Run action”).
- Define the parameters you will need for your step as follows:
- In the Properties panel, click the + PARAMS button.
- JS parameter: If you would like to add a JavaScript parameter, select JS from the dropdown list and type in the JavaScript parameter.
- Optionally fill in the following Properties:
- When this step fails – Specify what to do if this step fails.
- When to run step – Specify conditions for when to run the step. For more information, see Conditions.
- Override timeout – Allows you to override the default time lapse setting which causes Testim to register a fail for a test step, and specify a different time lapse value (in milliseconds).
- In the function text box, type in the desired JavaScript code. If you have defined parameters, you can refer to those parameters in your JavaScript code.
- Click the back arrow to return to the main Editor window.
The step is created.
If you opened your AUT to define an element as a parameter, click on the Toggle Breakpoint button to remove the breakpoint.
Custom Action Step Examples
Pulling the navigation bar of the device
The following example illustrates the use of the performActions
Appium method in a Custom Action step in order to perform a swipe.
await driver.performActions([
type: 'pointer',
id: 'finger1',
parameters: { pointerType: 'touch' },
actions: [
{ type: 'pointerMove', duration: 0, x: 100, y: 100 },
{ type: 'pointerDown', button: 0 },
{ type: 'pause', duration: 100 },
{ type: 'pointerMove', duration: 1000, x: 100, y: 500 },
{ type: 'pointerUp', button: 0 },
Finding a button element via xpath
The following example illustrates the use of the findElement
Appium method in a Custom Action step. This method is not supported on Android when using the Browserstack grid.
const el = await DRIVER.findElement('xpath', "//XCUIElementTypeApplication/XCUIElementTypeWindow/XCUIElementTypeOther/XCUIElementTypeOther[2]/XCUIElementTypeOther/XCUIElementTypeOther/XCUIElementTypeOther/XCUIElementTypeOther/XCUIElementTypeCollectionView");
/*const e2 = await DRIVER.findElement('class name', "XCUIElementTypeButton");*/
Typing on the keyboard
The following example illustrates the use of the sendKeys
and hideKeyboard
Appium methods. The code types the string when the keyboard is displayed and then hides the keyboard.
await DRIVER.sendKeys('abcdef');
await DRIVER.hideKeyboard();
Updated about 1 month ago