Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts for quicker and easier test authoring

Testim has a set of shortcuts you can use to speed up your test authoring. Using these shortcuts will allow you to add various validations during test recording.

Action NameWindowsMacAvailable in
Add Hover StepAlt + HOption + HEditor + AUT
Validate element textAlt + VOption + VEditor + AUT
Validate element visibleAlt + LOption + LEditor + AUT
Add custom validations and actionsAlt + JOption + JEditor
Add new groupAlt + GOption + GEditor
Save testCtrl + SCmd + SEditor
Create new testAlt + NOption + NEditor
Validate Element VisualizationAlt + EOption + EEditor + AUT
Validate Viewport VisualizationAlt + POption + PEditor
Validate Full-page VisualizationAlt + DOption + DEditor
Select all (in lists)Ctrl + ACmd + AEditor
Toggle breakpointCtrl + BCmd + BEditor
Copy StepCtrl + CCmd + CEditor
Cut StepCtrl + XCmd + XEditor
Paste StepCtrl + VCmd + VEditor
Add extract value stepAlt + XOption + XEditor
Wait For Element VisibleAlt + MOption + MEditor
Wait for element textAlt + TOption + TEditor