VSTS and TFS integration
In order to integrate your tests with VSTS/TFS, first you need to have docker installed on the VSTS/TFS agent.
Now, just follow these steps:
- Go to Build page
2. Create a new build
3. Select your repository
- Select empty job
- Add task
- Add Docker task
- Select Action: Run a Docker command
- Set the Command with the appropriate parameters, as described in the CLI page. Here is the basic command template.
run --rm -v $(Build.BinariesDirectory):/opt/testim-runner testim/docker-cli --token <TOKEN> --project <PROJECT-ID> --grid <GRID-NAME> --report-file /opt/testim-runner/testim-sanity-$(Build.BuildId)-report.xml
Note: For the grid name, read here how to set up your grid.
- In order for VSTS/TFS to store, analyze and show the results, we generate a standard JUnitXMLReporter XML file.
For VSTS/TFS to use the file you need to add a Publish Test Results task
- Select Test result format: JUnit
- Set the Test results files value, according to the "report-file" parameter in section 8 and set the
- Set the Search folder $(Build.BinariesDirectory)
- Save the build settings
Updated about 5 years ago
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