Setting up Your Account

This article shows you how to install the Testim extension and sign up for a Testim account (free trial). Once you have that in place, you’ll be ready to start creating tests.

Installing the Testim Extension

To Install the Testim Extension:

  1. Go to the Chrome Web Store to download the extension here.


Why do I need the Testim extension?

  1. Click Add to Chrome, then in the confirmation window click Add Extension.
    Once the installation is completed, the Testim icon appears in your Chrome toolbar.
  2. Click on the icon and then click on Login to start.

Signing Up

If you haven’t set up an account yet, you will need to do so now.


It’s free up to 1000 runs a month! You are eligible for a 14-day free trial, contact us and we will enable that for you.


If you already have an account, just sign in and you can start running tests.

To sign up for an account:

  1. At the bottom of the Sign in window, click Sign up.
    The Sign up screen is displayed.
  1. Enter your Name, Business email and Password in the appropriate fields.


Password must be 8 characters long and contain at least one digit, one symbol and no spaces.

  1. Click Sign Up.
    The Just one more step window opens.
  2. In the Company field, enter your company name.
  3. In the Phone number field, enter your number.


We require a phone number to provide a second method of authentication as well as for password recovery options.

  1. Click Start using Testim.

Your free trial account is activated and you are directed to the Testim web application Home screen.


What’s Next

You are now ready to start creating tests!